The secret of Stormveil Mountain II

Michael was squeezing through the narrow crack to get to the other side.

Hostus followed him behind while Maxine entered through the crack last.

As he squeezed through the crack, the torch he had in his hand got put out.

The sudden darkness worked in his favor though. Without Hostus noticing, Michael cast the Death Range spell. His strength exploded thanks to the darkness. He pushed the rock in front of him while pushing back the rock behind him using his back. The narrow crack creaked as it got wider.

Maxine could breathe a little considering the narrow crack became wider.

Although Hostus felt the crack widening, he didn't think the youngster before him had the strength to move the mountain literally. 

"My lord, can you see the other side?" Maxine breathed heavily. Even after the crack widened, she had a hard time squeezing through the crack due to her body shape.