New Day, New Potion and New Weaponry 

"Hey man"

"How is it going?"

"Man, can you teach me how to extract the pure essence from the alpha bush?"

"Dude, you're a lifesaver, I did what you told me and it worked!"

Michael was bombarded by greetings, gratitudes, and questions the moment he came through the common room door. Contrary to his initial plan, now Michael was extremely popular among the students. 

He earned and multiplied his popularity by helping other students, not to make them better alchemists but to form alliances. The students were prohibited to share their identity in public while they were in the AKilan realm. However, they weren't prohibited from reuniting outside of the Akilan realm. Michael used this loophole to make friends. Every time one became his friend, Michael asked them to come to his gala at Hades. This way, they wouldn't have to share their identities immediately.