Mysterious cannibal 

For a few moments, Logan just stared at the card and the Spyder pendant on the bottom of the drawer. He had no idea what the card and the pendent would do. He was left with this card and the Spyder pendant when he woke up in a dark alley of Crilta city. His instincts told him to take these items with him. He could feel in his guts that he needed these. Yet the memoirs they stirred in his mind prevented Logan from touching the card and the pendant.

"I hope not to see you again David"  Logan mumbled,

"Or whatever your name is"

Logan closed the drawer and left the room. 

As he walked out of the room, he saw the villagers with various makeshift weapons in their hands. Man, woman, child, every single one had some kind of weapon.

The old man with a long white beard approached Logan, scratching the back of his head,

"Sorry Logan, they are all pretty adamant about following you. They all want to find what's going on here"