Meeting someone from Mazeroth

The trio was Noah Winston, Alicia, and the raccoon was the golden babaroo. They were in Ozer to attend the Alchemy competition and win the mystic blood orchid. He needed the mystic blood orchid to concoct an ancient pill that would start golden babaroo's metamorphosis.

"I heard the Alchemy guild went all over this time. Any alchemist who has good skills will be a water bottle in the desert. They will recruit them in a flash,"

Hearing Noah's words, Alicia shook her head slightly, 

"Although getting recruited by the Alchemy guild is  fruitful to some, ultimately it'll limit one's freedom, and if you ask me, it's not really worthwhile..."

"What the shit? Not worthwhile? You heard of Gabriel right?" After Hearing Alicia's words, Norvin rolled his eyes, curled his lips, and said.

"Alchemy King Gabriel. No one in Ozer and Elon doesn't know him." Noah shrugged, laughing faintly. Not only did he know of him, but they almost fought against each other.