Noah warns Alicia

Michael spit a bit more blood and took out a leather pouch from his system storage,

"Teacher," Olivia tried to say something, but Michael raised his finger as he took a long sip of water,

He kept drinking until Tanulia cleared her throat,

"What happened here?"

Instead of answering Tanulia, Michael looked at Noah, who lay on the bed unconscious. 

"Give this to him if you want to save him," Michael took out a sparkling healing potion Olivia used on him and threw it at Tanulia,

"His pulses are fading. You should act quickly,"

"Where the fuck are the healers?!" Alicia shouted,

"He is right," Norvin nodded,

"We can't waste a single second" Soon, the golden babaroo snatched away the healing potion from Tanulia and poured the potion into Noah's mouth before anyone could stop him. As a golden babaroo, not only could he sense life signs but also sense whether something was poisonous or not.