Scriptures on the walls

"I'll take that," Michael took the sword from Sabrina's hand and turned around to continue his journey showing no signs of disappointment on his face.

As he was leading the way, Sabrina followed him silently. Occasionally, she opened her mouth and shut it close quickly. 

Since the path went straight, he did not need to focus on Sabrina's rube. So instead, he focused on the walls to make out shapes from the chaotic scribbling on the walls.

After almost fifteen minutes of walking in silence, the symbols and drawings on the wall began to make sense. Michael walked along the walls, looking at the engravings. 

This time, Michael saw a vague shape of a cobra and a man with wings fighting a woman on a giant lizard-like monster. 

"Shit!" When Michael touched the man, he felt a sudden bolt of electricity running through his finger.

"What the hell?" Michael touched the engravings of the man again, but unlike before, he felt nothing.