Teaching Sabrina the ways of Ghost

After finishing the sketch for the new retractable shield in a gauntlet, Michael fell asleep on the ground. He was exhausted to the soul level and couldn't stay awake. A long while later, Sabrina slowly opened her eyes. She felt rejuvenated after a long nap. As the sleepiness faded away from her eyes, she searched for Ghost and found him sleeping on the ground a few meters away from her.

Looking at Ghost on the ground, Sabrina stood up. For a few moments, she looked around the place to make sure no one was around them. Then, she brought the blanket to Michael and covered him with the blanket. She made sure the blanket covers him from neck to toe.

While Michael was peacefully sleeping, Sabrina kindled the fire and sat beside the fire. The gloomy hallway was haunted with silence; the only sound Sabrina heard was firewood crackling under flames.