The Cure

Seeing the dark elves dropping their bows, Gaya snickered behind her mask. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that Gaya hated the dark elves. As a matter of fact, almost all the races hated the dark elves, even the elves. To put it bluntly, the dark elves were racist, arrogant, and the most intolerable race in the whole world. No matter what one would say about the dark elves, they were one united race. Each dark elf was loyal and devoted to the well-being of their race. A dark elf would literally for another dark elf no matter whether they were related or not.

That was the reason they chose to lower their weapons when they saw Michael threatening the life of their commander. The dark elves would rather let Michael escape than endanger their commander's life. Michael noticed the concern in their eyes and their loyalty towards the dark elf in his hold.