Enslaving a god

At that moment, three bright lights floated inside a lavish throne hall. The walls surrounding the three lights had high, stained glass windows of mesmerizing mosaics concealed by curtains adorned with intricate embroidery and jewels. The thousands of gems on the askew ceiling danced in the flickering light while the three lights looked down upon the marble floor of this grand hall. Their energy radiation was none like anyone the mortals have seen except Diana. Twenty-two years ago, these three witnessed Wulfric and Andreas performing the forbidden spell on Diana. The three of them thought they had closed the chapter of Dark Lord forever until yesterday. He didn't only return to this universe but also had the power to rival them as a Celestial being. Just a thought of the Dark Lord made these Skyhall Elders shiver to the core.

The three lights gradually lost their radiance, showing a silhouette inside each light.