Gaya vs Harriet I

Tanulia gritted her teeth, moving her head to the side. Her pointy ears twitched as she heard a rustling sound from the dark woods. She pulled out the arrow from her hand.

"Show yourself," Tanulia snarled. She snapped her finger as the torch on the ground lit up. 

Soon, Tanulia saw a figure walking out of the darkness in the torchlight. The figure wore a dark cloak. Under the cloak showing the glint of metal armor. With every step, a mild clanking sound echoed. However, the metal armor didn't resemble the ones the Knights or royal guards wore. Rather, it seemed like the figure etched armor plates into flexible leather armor. Tanulia had fought soldiers wearing metal plate armor before. So she knew the drawbacks of cladding in full metal plate armor. In exchange for protection and defense, they forsake their movement and agility.