Michael vs Lailah Alden I

Michael grabbed Reidar by his neck and lifted himself in the air. He was the strongest among the four. So Michael focused on Reidar. As Michael lifted Reidar in the air, his legs twitched. Reidar gasped for air, reaching out for Michael's neck. Reidar wanted to squeeze Michael's neck, yet he simply couldn't reach his neck. Still, Reidar tried until the lack of oxygen to his brain made his hands lose strength. 


Michael slammed Reidar on the wooden table. Wooden splinters flew in all directions. 

"Argh," Reidar coughed more blood. Michael ignored Reidar's pain because inflicting as much pain as possible was his intention. 

"Are you a loyal and reasonable person?" Michael asked Reidar. Slowly, Michael placed his boot on Reidar's feet.

"Are you a loyal and reasonable person?" Michael repeated his words with a more deep voice than before.