New Elder Vampire

After leaving Fabia's laboratory, Saber headed straight to the main hall, where the other Elder vampires were waiting for him. Among the ten seats around the stone table, only three seats were taken. Trista, Lenora, and Ingram welcomed Saber with a nod. Saber slowly pulled his stone chair back. The chair made a creaking noise.

(read chapter 474 to refresh your memories about the vampires)

"Have you found Hacan's killer?" asked Lenora.

Ingram and Trista turned their gazes to Saber.

"Not yet," Saber simply shrugged. He didn't share the letter he received from Harriet when he was in Awor. 

"Elder Ingram, you wanted to talk about something," Saber ingrained the two lady vampires and turned his gaze to the oldest Elder vampire among them, Ingram.

"How prepared are we to face the Dark Lord?" Ingram asked. He was always the quiet one, but when he asked this question, there was gravity in his voice.