Tracking down Elder Lenora

As soon as Gaya heard these words, she rose up from the bed as though someone had set a fire under the bed. Her eyes watered.

"Where? Let me see him," Gaya jumped off the bed. She didn't even put on her usual robes. Instead, she was ready to leave the room with the red pajamas Michael bought her from the system store. 

With a simple nod, Michael willed the system to teleport them both to the pocket dimension attached to the dark forest abyss. In a blink of an eye, the scenery around her changed. When she appeared in the pocket dimension, she saw Azazel standing beside the apple tree. There was someone with no hands shackled to the tree. Just as she was about to rush toward the vampire, Michael grabbed her hand.

"Remember, you are Aelia," Michael whispered into her ears.

She hasted toward the vampire,