The Blood Prince's Punch

Saber clenched his fist. Seeing Saber lose his calmness stunned the others. Trista and Lenora had never seen Saber like this before. Which led them to believe the potion really worked. 

To their surprise, Saber released the two of them. Michael and Gaya coughed, running their throats for a moment.

"It worked," Saber turned around and responded to everyone's curious looks. For a moment, Trista and Lenora couldn't believe what they had just heard. No matter how powerful they were, the sun was their ultimate bane. Even the elders were unable to survive the sunlight for a couple of minutes let alone the minions. It was the only weakness they had besides primordial flames. At least with primordial flames, they could somehow kill the flame wielder. With the sun, they had no choice. Hence, they never dared to step outside their castles during the day.