Meeting of Michael and Victoria Barnes I

The next day, when the first light appeared on the horizon, dark chili clouds blanketed the sun. Snow pure as an innocent child blessed the earth with its puffy whiteness. The trees shed their leaves, welcoming the winter with a warm embrace. The winter brought black and whiteness along with a bone-chilling coldness. Everything in Mazeroth looked white. The black lake resembled a floor made of obsidian. Mazeroth castle towers wore puffy snow-like hats. The students, especially the first years, rushed outside to play in the snow. Several students showed their imagination through various statues made of ice. Another group showed their lust for destruction by destroying those statues. Nonetheless, pure fun was just as abundant as the snow in Mazeroth. 

Back in his room, Michael slowly opened his eyes. He felt the chillness in the air and the joyful shots from the outside. He stretched his arm, pulling aside the curtains to see the heavy snow rain through the window.