The Double Cross

The Wise Dragon inspected the blueprint. Its eyes almost furrowed. Several minutes later, the wise dragon slowly turned its head aside. A broken drone flew toward the dragon. The Wise Dragon gently caught the drone and showed it to Michael. In the Dragon's hand, the drone looked tiny as an ant.

"This device is the same as the one in the blueprint, except for its design," The Wise Dragon was surprisingly correct. When one boils it down, The Spyders and Drones shared the same architecture and functionalities, except the Drones could fly and the Spyders couldn't. Plus, Michael was surprised to see that the Wise Dragon had broken the drone without breaking it apart completely.

"Yes. Is that enough for you to give us the information about Adelia?" asked Michael. But the Dragon shook its head. A cunning, basically a devilish grin emerged on its face.