Who will lead the army?

After killing thusians soldiers, Michael teleported to the Suven capital, Egerton, with General Bryce and his advisors. The city of Egerton was built along the banks of a labyrinth of rivers. It was truly a modern curiosity. Its wonder was matched by the backdrop of pristine skies and the lonely mountain on the horizon. Thick tall walls were built around the city. Snow blanketed the lands outside the city walls like puffy white bed sheets. The winter's cold froze all the crisscrossing rivers as well as the waterfalls. Michael appeared in the sky within the city walls. Although it was the middle of the night, the city seemed awake. Michael heard several cries of little children and noticed people running through the streets restlessly.

When Michael looked closer, he was able to see several men lying on the side of the streets, begging. They all looked thin as sticks, as though they didn't eat for weeks. Even the soldiers patrolling the city gates seemed weak and exhausted.