Meeting an unusual visitor

Michael returned to King Gunner's castle with the long bone of the Blood Prince. Yagnar, General Bryce, Davarius, and Gaya saw him and were surprised by the bone. Michael put the bone with a thud.

"When I asked you to pick one to board the ship, I thought you guys would pick someone who wouldn't blabber our plan to the thusians,"

The trio frowned.

"Master Ghost, what are you talking about?" asked General Bryce.

"I am not going to make a big deal out of it. But the thusians caught the two spies and beat them to death," 

Michael then turned his gaze toward Davarius.

"Your guy, on the other hand, was happy to entertain the thusians with all our plans. Starting from my involvement to how we reduced you,"

"What did you do?" asked Davarius. The others slightly trembled.

"Nothing. The thusians killed him," said Michael. 

"Who's bone is this?" Yagnar asked Michael.