The aftermath of the Golden Port Battle

Michael was busy dealing with the aftermath of the Golden Port battle. At that Northguard, he was in a room filled with sacks of grain, artifacts, food, crates of potions and pills, and gold coins. Everything in front of him was his share of the Golden Port warehouse. Michael kept everything in the dark forest. 

"My Lord," Azazel appeared behind Michael. 

"What is it?" asked Michael without even turning around. His mind was occupied with future plans. 

"Lady Alden has told Edith about you and her," Azazel's words brought Michael out of his thinking. He turned around with a frown.

Since Lailah wore the necklace given by Michael, Azazel watched everything that had transpired between Lailah and Edith. Unfortunately, Michael had no idea Zakari and Austin kidnapped the spirit child to threaten him.