The scale of a Naga

"Your grace," The maid entered the room after a while. Booth put the head back in the box and summoned Edith.

"Miss Edith is waiting for you," said the maid.

"Good. Let her in," Booth ordered the maid. Despite what happened, Booth didn't show any anger in his tone. 

"As you wish, your grace," The maid bowed and left the room. Booth silently waited for Edith, staring at the snow-covered city through the window. The people of Valeria had no worries with their guardians looking over them. Unlike the other parts of Ozer, the war didn't touch the land of Valeria. Booth was a great general and even greater duke than many had expected. His ruthlessness, coupled with King Maxim's financial support, turned once ordinary duchy into an extraordinary place. Many thusians preferred to live in Valeria more than even Diamond valley.