Yet another alchemy competition

Lucid dreams potion was just a standard two-star level potion. However, it contained several intricate, complex steps to brew it without the cauldron exploding on an alchemist's face. Rich noble kids consumed this potion as a kind of drug to have a dream of their desire.

Elmer noticed three batches of ingredients materializing on his table. Each batch contained one sprinkle of Sweet Aniseed, one tablespoon of Snowy Clove, six bits of Sun Shiso, four teaspoons of Winter Seed, and one cup of Knot Petal. 

"Piece of cake," Leilan snickered. As the last disciple of Gabriel, he could brew such a simple potion in his sleep. Every challenge Leilan tackled boosted his confidence to another level. In Leilan's excitement, he failed to notice Elmer's strange, amused smile. The smile disappeared as fast as it appeared.