The Power of Locking out Cultivation

The red orc punched into his fist while cracking his neck. He was ready to give Noah a beat down to death. Facing the big brute orc, Noah remained calm. He didn't even cast a spell. Instead, Noah waited for the red orc to arrive to him. 

"We are leaving," the golden-haired man tried to leave the hall, only to get halted by the silver armored guardians. These soldiers surrounded everyone to interrogate them later. It would only take a second for Gaya to use the teleportation scroll to escape. However, he couldn't leave the place without finding the real weapon. Kidnapping the two dwarves seemed to be the only option at that moment. Except, the dwarves were already under the control of the silver-armored guardians. Gaya dared not to reveal her identity when Noah was right there in the room with her.