Noah’s reluctance to capture the Dark Lord

After leaving the Winston manor via a teleportation array, Noah appeared in an empty room lit with candles. This was one of the guardian guild's safe houses in Dalgarum. The guardian guild had safe houses everywhere except in the dark ocean, obviously. A circular chakra with countless intricate runes and symbols glowed underneath Noah's feet. He stepped out of the chakra as his team appeared in the room one by one. 

"Everyone is here," said Norvin. He quickly transformed into his true form and leaped onto Noah's shoulder. Dark curtains blocked the sunlight from entering the room. Noah went to the windows and slightly moved it to see the ocean through the glass. The crystal blue ocean stretched endlessly into the horizon. Everywhere he looked, the dwarves littered the complexly planned streets. This complexity was about to make Noah's life much easier. Since it was still midday, most of the dwarves were at their work and not terrorizing the streets.