Save or destroy the weapon?

The dwarves let out a battle cry that echoed through the entire space. They rushed at Noah and his group without regard for their lives. Just the sight of pointy ears in their domain twisted something inside the dwarves. Their killing intent skyrocketed as a dwarf threw his battle ax at Noah. The ax soared through the air, but Noah simply flicked his wrist as the ax froze in the air, turned around, and flew straight back to the dwarf. Only, the dwarf couldn't stop the ax. It hit the dwarf straight on the head, knocking him out cold in an instant.  Noah's team scattered around the space in a blink of an eye. Each used their own speed spell to enhance their speed to the point the dwarves barely saw them. Wind rustled every time Noah's team ran past them. The previously silent workshop of the dwarves turned into a battle zone. Without being able to see the intruders, the dwarves swung their axes left and right blindly.

"Stay still and fight us motherfuckers!"