Drawing the Dark Lord’s attention

In a blink of an eye, Michael removed their heads clean off. Blood was everywhere as some of the headless bodies stammered around the deck before collapsing down into the water or to the floor. The half of the ship Michael stood on was slowly sinking into the water. He grabbed the captain by his collar and dragged him down the stairs and into the captain's cabin. Although Michael's instincts told him that he wouldn't find a thing inside, he still wanted to make sure before the ship completely sank into the water. 

Michael turned the knob, but the door didn't even bulge. Without a second thought, Michael kicked the door as it crumbled down like a withered piece of wood. When the door was broken down by Michael, an empty dark room with a table and a few chairs welcomed him. For a captain's cabin, it was completely empty, without a single parchment or a piece of paper except for the mao on the table. Michael strolled toward the table, dragging the ghost ship captain.