Assassination of Ethan II

(A few moments ago)

After Diana took the children outside to her garden, Ethan spent his time socializing with all the guests and giving his blessing to Katherine. Andrews's son was still in his arms and refused to leave. The little boy loved Ethan more than he loved his parents. 

"Come on, Keith. Come to papa,' Andrews tried to take the boy away from Ethan as he noticed the royal carriage of King Porter parked outside. Soon, the sound of heavy boots and metal armor clanking grew louder and louder as King Porter entered the hall with his loyal soldiers leading the way. After the royal guards escorted Porter inside, they bowed and joined the royal guards of other nations, leaving their kings to socialize with the others.

As soon as King Porter arrived at the hall, King Crawford Bredia, Katherine's father, welcomed his fellow king with a broad grin. The two of them embraced each other as a sign of respect and firmly shook each other's hands.