A clue about Harry’s whereabouts

After bombarding Lailah with questions, Michael just left the hall, leaving her alone. He simply didn't want to argue with a mother who was in pain of losing her child. He was on his way to the interrogation room when Azazel appeared before him.

"My lord. The items you asked the twins to acquire are here," 

Michael finally heard some good news as Azazel continued.

"I ordered the men to put everything in Alchemy hall, my lord," said Azazel. As much as Michael liked to have separate halls for everything, the construction works had been halted due to a lack of funds until he received two hundred million gold coins from King Porter Forbes as a price for lifting Chanel's curse. Luckily for Michael, the dwarves finished the alchemy hall. Thanks to the two hundred million gold coins, Michael was able to buy everything he needed to get his new brew business up and running as well as the construction materials needed for the dark castle.