New income and the two armor pieces

The sky was engulfed in a tempestuous maelstrom of black clouds, illuminated by a frenzied barrage of lightning strikes. The ferocity of the storm was palpable, as heavy sheets of rain relentlessly battered the surrounding landscape, shrouding everything in a mist of swirling droplets.

Amidst this chaotic scene, the ominous silhouette of the Dark Lord's towering mountain loomed ominously over the turbulent waters of the dark ocean. The castle, still only partially constructed, seemed to cling precariously to the sheer face of the mountain, with a sword-hilt mountain leading up to the Dark Lord's garden. The deafening roar of the waterfall cascading down the mountainside only added to the surreal atmosphere of the place.

Despite the inhospitable conditions, a group of vampires dressed in the deepest shade of black could be seen darting through the air with effortless grace, their vigilant patrol never faltering, even in the midst of the raging storm.