The Dark Lord's Ultimatum

(The last chapter 909 happened 5 days before Nightmare's death)

As soon as Mutrad pledged his loyalty to Michael, he followed him to the sacred area where the trial by combat was to take place. They journeyed through treacherous terrain, the path leading them farther and farther away from the Arctic Hall empire. The murky depths of the ocean surrounded them, and Michael could feel the weight of the water pressing against his skin. The only light came from glowing fish darting in and out of sight. It was an eerie and unsettling journey, but Michael was determined to see it through.

When Michael followed Mutrad into the unknown depths of the ocean, the darkness enveloped him like a heavy cloak, making his heart race with anticipation. With each step he took, the pressure increased, and the temperature dropped, signaling that they were venturing into an uncharted territory that was forbidden to outsiders.