In the realm of Hell

As Michael and Gaya materialized in the new location, he could feel his skin crawl as he took in the barren, desolate landscape before him. It looked like the Fire Realm he had been to before, but this place was much darker and more ominous. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur, ash, and decay, and the ground beneath his feet was jagged and treacherous.

When he looked around, Michael could see that the sky was a foreboding black, with swirling clouds and bolts of lightning flashing in every direction. There was no sun or moon, no natural light to guide his way. Instead, the only illumination came from the flickering flames that rose up from the molten lava rivers that ran through the realm. The flames cast eerie shadows across the desolate landscape, and Michael could feel the heat from the lava even at this distance.