Aria, The Assassin’s Apprentice

In the sprawling expanse of the Ozer continent, Aria soared high above the midnight sky, her silhouette a dark blur against the starlit canvas. With an agile twist, she descended through the billowing clouds, the moist mist enveloping her figure as she zeroed in on her destination. Her destination? A private island, veiled in secrecy and opulence, nestled amidst the vast expanse of the ocean.

As Aria breached the cloud cover, the private island came into view, a paradise of exclusivity bathed in moonlight. The manor, an architectural marvel, stood proudly at the heart of the island, its grandeur an embodiment of the wealth and power held within its walls. The sprawling gardens were meticulously manicured, vibrant blooms and exotic flora dotting the landscape, while the scent of jasmine and sea breeze intertwined in the air.