Vampire Death Squad vs Michael I

While Aria and Azazel were on their mission, Ricky ventured through the empty hall, he noticed dwarves diligently working on the ceiling. Parchments and cloth covered various areas of the hall, indicating ongoing renovations. Unexpectedly, in the center of the hall, he came across the members of the vampire death squad, taking a break and engaged in a lively conversation.

Ricky couldn't help but feel surprised to see all the elite killers gathered in one place. Normally, they trained individually in different locations on the floating mountain. However, fate had brought them together in this moment.

"Look who's here," chuckled Gray Wolf, the dwarf, teasing Ricky playfully. Ricky waved his hand in acknowledgment, a smile on his face.

"When are you going to convince the Dark Lord to build us a tavern, Ricky?" growled Bear, his deep voice resonating through the hall. Ricky contemplated for a moment, considering the suggestion.