Getting the demon coffins

With the skull medallion clutched tightly in his hand, Elder Gravesinger made his way through the teleportation hall. As he pressed the medallion, the array beneath his feet glimmered, casting an ethereal light that engulfed the elder. In an instant, he vanished from the hall, transported to his very own pocket dimension.

This pocket dimension, curated specifically for his sinister necromantic rituals, exuded an eerie ambiance. Its dark and foreboding atmosphere was tailor-made to accommodate Elder Gravesinger's macabre experiments and the awakening of the deceased. Three thousand years ago, when the Skyhall and the Guardian Guild relentlessly hunted down the Order of Death and all those suspected of supporting or worshiping the Dark Lord, the bodies of their victims were amassed in this very dimension. It became a burial ground on a massive scale, entrusted to Elder Gravesinger for his unholy undertakings.