Michael overpowers Noah

As the battle raged on, Michael's serpent maga fighting style proved to be an advantage, allowing him to gain the upper hand over Noah. His dark armor, with several runes, provided additional protection that surpassed even the sturdy dwarven-made armor worn by Noah.

With a swift and devastating strike, Michael landed a powerful blow to Noah's jaw, stunning him. Seizing the opportunity, Michael firmly gripped Noah's face and forcefully drove his knee into Noah's already injured visage. The impact was jarring, causing Noah to stagger backward.

Raising his hands, Michael conjured bolts of black lightning, crackling with raw power. The ominous energy surged from his fingertips, resembling twisted serpents as they streaked through the air with deadly accuracy. With a resounding impact, the bolts struck Noah, sending him hurtling downwards through the sky.