Next stop, the Realm of Gods

Two days after King Bredia's death, the soldiers and the king's family concluded that it was a tragic accident. The citizens believed that the king had celebrated too much after the Dark Lord's supposed demise and tragically fell from his chamber. Given the history of animosity between King Bredia and the Dark Lord, many found it plausible that the king had indulged excessively in alcohol.

Meanwhile, Michael gathered all his loyal subordinates at a magnificent manor owned by Nithroel, the Empress of Awor. The manor was situated in a secluded canyon overlooking a serene lake, surrounded by lush greenery and majestic mountains.

The lavish manor exuded an aura of grandeur, with its elegant architecture and marble halls adorned with exquisite artworks. Portraits of Nithroel, with her golden hair and elven grace, adorned the walls, showcasing her regal beauty.