Finishing the Queen’s Quest

As Michael stealthily approached the immortals, he decided to take a different route, dropping down from an elevated place rather than using the stairs. He closed his eyes, expanding his senses throughout the cave, and confirmed that there was no other way out for the immortals but through him. With them trapped, his sole task was to eliminate them all.

Walking towards the immortals, he felt the heavy energy radiating from the dark crystal. Surprisingly, the crystal tried to ensnare him in a trance, but being the god of darkness, Michael was able to resist its influence and break the connection.

"I wonder what they were thinking," Ayag mused from atop Michael's shoulder. The immortals were all looking up, their eyes rolled back behind their eye sockets.

"Kill them all and sever the connection with my crystal," the queen's voice echoed in Michael's head again.

"Stop doing that," Michael whispered through gritted teeth, frustrated with the intrusion.