A rogue god and a hydra

After Fayeth exited her chamber, leaving the Hydra in the care of the rogue god, she arrived at the healing hall, a sanctuary where she crossed paths with Rainar's angels. These celestial beings were an imposing sight, clad in gray armor that matched their feathery, closed wings. Their presence exuded a formidable aura, their heavy footfalls even causing the ancient walls of the temple of Ava to tremble slightly.

"Can I assist you?" Fayeth inquired, her gaze directed at the angels. Her question prompted the lead angel to remove his helmet, revealing a cascade of silver hair.

The trio of angels following him moved through the hall, their helmets still on as they surveyed the unconscious patients who lay before them.

"How goes the healing of these people, Fayeth?" inquired the angel of Rainar, a trace of familiarity detectable in his voice as he addressed her.