Eden Garden's Heist Planning II

Vilnius couldn't help but laugh heartily at Michael's audacious plan. "Robbing the Eden's Garden? You must be truly mad if you think that's possible," he chuckled, shaking his head.

He leaned back in his chair, his expression turning more serious. "Even if, by some miracle, we managed to rob the place, there's no way we could sell the alchemical items we steal in the black market without alerting the higher-ups at Eden's Garden. That kind of heat would destroy our gang," Vilnius warned, his tone filled with a hint of concern for his crew's well-being.

Elmer, nodding in agreement, chimed in, "Vilnius is right. There's a reason why nobody has ever tried to rob the Eden's Garden. Those who attempted it simply disappeared."

Michael leaned back in his chair, a smug expression on his face as he gazed at Vilnius and Elmer. He could see the skepticism in their eyes, but he was ready to lay out his plan.