Harvest Day Heist II - Rats in the midst

As the stolen alchemical treasures vanished into their space rings, one of the dwarves couldn't help but mutter, "There's so much more we could grab!" The allure of wealth and rare alchemical ingredients was hard to resist, especially when they were laid out in such abundance.

However, Michael knew better than to let greed cloud their judgment. He responded with a stern warning, his voice tinged with urgency, "Greediness will land us in prison." His years of experience had taught him the value of discretion and timing.

"Backup crystals will power up in two minutes," he continued, emphasizing the need for haste. "We leave through that door in one minute."

The dwarves and orcs understood the importance of Michael's words. With reluctance, they began to make their way towards the exit, their space rings filled with their ill-gotten gains.