Bloodbath inside the Guild II

Since Sagespire had an array that prevented anyone from using energy, none of them could cast a spell or use Celestial energy to enhance their abilities. Aranion and Rurik dashed forward, fully prepared to take on the intruders.

"Who are these clowns, and what do they want with the artifact?" Ayag asked. Michael remained close to the artifact as several dark-robed figures approached him from all directions.

Michael cracked his neck as an intruder lunged at him. Without wasting a moment, he kicked over a nearby barrel of hot oil they had been using for forging. The scalding oil sizzled as it splashed onto the ground.

"Argh... son of a bitch!" the intruder roared in pain as the hot oil burned his legs up to his thighs.

The others quickly changed their paths to avoid the searing oil, while two intruders slipped on the slick surface, tumbling to the ground.

"It burns!" screamed one intruder who landed buttocks-first in the hot oil.