Rainar's Cruelty

As Michael stepped out of the swirling vortex of the portal, the alley around him was steeped in darkness. The dim light from the few functioning street lamps cast eerie shadows across the ravaged streets. He surveyed the scene before him: buildings crumbled like fallen dominos, their once sturdy structures now mere heaps of debris. The relentless downpour had turned the streets into turbulent rivers, water swirling around the remnants of what once was a bustling city.

"What the fuck happened here?" Perched on Michael's shoulder, Ayag hissed in disbelief. 

Michael's eyes trailed upwards, witnessing a chaotic aerial battle. Angels clad in emerald green armor, representing Rainar, clashed fiercely with their silver-armored counterparts of Kranar. Their skirmish painted a surreal picture against the stormy sky, a dance of divine warriors amidst thunder and lightning.