Worship Energy

In a swift, almost imperceptible motion, Michael swooped down through the darkened hall and retrieved the vial containing the Grace. He quickly secured it in his system storage, ensuring its safety.

The orc, his anger surging through the effects of the fear toxin, roared in fury, "No! You won't get away with this!"

Enraged, the orc entered a battle frenzy, dashing towards Michael with reckless abandon. His punches flew wildly, each strike fueled by sheer rage.

Michael, calculating and composed, cast the spell "Silenes," effectively slowing down time around himself and the orc. The world around them seemed to crawl as he maneuvered himself with precision. In a calculated move, Michael thrust his sword, aiming directly at the orc's eyes.

The blade pierced through, blinding the orc in an instant. The orc's roar of agony echoed through the hall, a sound filled with excruciating pain and shock.