Invisible Pack of Panthers

Michael observed the centipede-like ancient beast, noticing a yellow aura surrounding it. The aura indicated that he had a fifty percent chance of defeating it, but only if he approached the battle strategically. The beast's sheer size and primal ferocity were formidable, even though it lacked any apparent cultivation.

"We should observe it from a safe distance to learn more about its movements. There might be something we can exploit." Cain suggested.

As they watched, Ayag couldn't help but comment on the creature's appearance. 

"Look at the size of that ugly thing!" she exclaimed, using colorful language to express her disgust and awe at the centipede's monstrous form.

Their plan was to study the beast, looking for weaknesses or patterns in its behavior that could give them an advantage. The ancient monster, unaware of their presence for now, continued to move through the valley, its every step causing the ground to tremble.