All out battle in Celestial Valley

Pink, watching Gaya valiantly battle the monstrous creatures, couldn't help but be impressed. She understood why had chosen such a powerful partner. Gaya, despite possessing only mortal realm cultivation, was holding her ground admirably.

"She's doing well on her own. The beasts seem hesitant to fully engage. They're testing her, unsure of her actual strength due to her mortal realm cultivation," Cain observed. His siblings nodded in agreement, understanding that the intelligent creatures were cautious, likely suspecting Gaya of concealing her true power and hesitant to fully engage, unsure of Gaya's true power.

"Come on, Pink, you need to hurry and jam their spell. They're watching Gaya too closely," Ayag urged, his voice laced with impatience.

"Be patient, Ayag. It's a complex spell, not just a simple crystal to hack into," Sarba defended Pink, trying to ease the tension.