Jin vs Michael I

When Shar arrived, everyone, including Gaya, was shocked, but Michael remained calm, almost amused. Unlike the others, he had known Shar was following them ever since they arrived here. He had pretended ignorance to give Shar the illusion of an upper hand and the element of surprise.

As Shar materialized, she raised her staff, and a green mist shot from its tip.

"How is she using magic here?" Gaya growled, perplexed.

"That is not Celestial energy," Michael explained calmly. His eyes of darkness had already revealed the nature of the energy she wielded. It wasn't the Celestial energy, which was nullified in the pocket dimension. Instead, the staff emitted worship energy.

"Let Morbus's energy decimate you all," Shar declared, continuing to release the worship energy of Morbus stored in her staff.

"Who in the hell is worshipping the god of plagues?" Gaya continued to fire her bolts, her frustration growing.