Shar’s Death I

Once Silvaris snapped his fingers, they were enveloped in a bright light that forced everyone to close their eyes. When they reopened them, they found themselves on a vast barren land dotted with abandoned structures like houses, watchtowers, and crumbling buildings. Far off, a house painted gold shimmered in the distance.

Above them floated an ethereal clock, large enough to be visible from any point.

"Where are we?" one of the adventurers asked, scanning the strange landscape.

"Look up there," a silver-haired elven lady pointed skyward. The clock, initially showing zeroes, slowly ticked over to twelve.

While many surveyed their new surroundings, others immediately began searching for Gaya, who held the key. She was spotted standing on a pavement between two ruined buildings.

"There she is!" a dwarf exclaimed, brandishing his axe. Gaya still clutched the golden key, though the crystallized soul piece of Edros was nowhere to be seen.