Andohr’s Daughter And His Weapon

While Michael was entangled with Rin, the Pantheon, and myriad other problems, Salesi, alongside the evil Andreas, found themselves deep in conspiracy with Andohr. The actions of Gaya, particularly her elimination of some of the seal bearers, inadvertently weakened the barrier Michael had erected between Andohr and the mortal realm. As for how Gaya was able to kill the seal bearers, it was related to the previous Dark Lord's plan.

In that moment, Salesi was positioned before a mirror. However, this was no ordinary mirror; instead of reflecting her own visage, it displayed Andohr, who sat regally upon a grand throne. The intense animosity he harbored for Michael was evident in his disheveled golden hair and the blood-red hue of his eyes.

"Your Grace," Salesi intoned, dropping to a knee in a gesture of reverence before Andohr's image. Yet, Andohr, consumed by his fury, scarcely acknowledged the respect Salesi offered.