Fallout of Gaya and Nithroel

In the depths of a darkened hall, where the only light came from the flickering flames ensconced along the ancient walls, a circular stone table stood as the centerpiece. Around this table, several figures clad in dark robes and armor were seated upon thrones that seemed as ancient as time itself. These were the loyal subordinates of the Dark Lord Michael: Adelia Ashton, mother to Gaya; Ricky; Eve Voldiguard; Azazel; Aria; and Tista and Lenoa, the elder vampires whose ages spanned centuries.

Then, Eve Voldiguard rose from her seat, her presence commanding the attention of all those gathered. 

"I've received word from my contact within the Mazeroth," she began, her voice echoing slightly in the vast hall. 

"Headmaster Wulfric has sensed something concerning about the realm tear. He seems to believe a hydra is soon to come through the realm tear in the Akilan Realm,"