Meeting Phoenix

As Michael and Gaya entered the boundaries of the distillery district, they were met with a scene that starkly contrasted the vibrancy and meticulous care evident in the rest of Seshat's kingdom. The buildings around them stood neglected, their once proud structures now succumbing to the ravages of time and abandonment. Vines crept up the sides of stone walls, and the streets were littered with debris, a silent testament to years of disuse.

Michael, taking in the surroundings with a frown, couldn't hide his surprise. "It's odd," he mused aloud, "Seshat's realm is known for its beauty and tranquility. To see a part of it in such disrepair... It's unexpected."

Gaya, walking beside him, shared his sentiment. "It doesn't seem like Seshat, the goddess of wisdom, to neglect any part of her domain. There's always a purpose behind her actions, a reason for everything."