Subordinate's Death and Dark Flames Upgrade

Looking at Michael, Dagon greeted Michael with a smile that was both charming and devilish.

"Michael," he said, acknowledging him by name. Hearing his real name spoken aloud made Michael feel weird. Besides Gaya and now Dagon, he was accustomed to being known as Ghost or The Dark Lord.

Though his intended target, Torug, had been effortlessly eliminated by Dagon, Michael kept his composure. 

"What brings you here?" he inquired, curiosity laced in his tone. 

"Is this your physical form, or some sort of manifestation?" Aware of Dagon's banishment and the restrictions it imposed, the sight of him in this realm underscored the depth of his power.

Dagon's chuckle broke the silence. "It's a manifestation," he admitted, "but pulling this off is harder than it looks. It took a lot of worship energy." Michael, while not vocalizing it, recognized the significance of Dagon's presence, sensing an underlying motive.